Wednesday, 30 April 2014

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

one main thing that I have used is photoshop, photoshop is a software that is on the computer, that allows us to edit images we have got from the internet/photos we have taken. Photoshop also allows us to create our own image using the shapes that the software provides. 
Here are some of the tools that photoshop give us.
With photoshop I was able to make it a full a4 page size, and also the right size for my double page spread. Also with photoshop i was able to edit images and text, to suit my magazine style. It made the editing process a lot easier. 

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

5. how did you attract/address your audience?

5. how did you attract/address your audience?

One way that i have tried to attract my audience is by promoting the use of social media, so this will attract the younger audience, as they are the main ones to use social media. Also i have mentioned the latest bands in rock and metal, this will attract both the younger audience, and people interested in the music genres, it would attract the younger audience as it would be mainly younger people who will listen to the new bands, and also attracts people who have an interest in the music genres as they might like the bands that are discussed. Another way i have tried to attract people with a interest of the music genres is by the colour scheme, i have used the colours grey and black, as this is the colour that is associated with the genres of rock and metal. 

Monday, 14 April 2014

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

4. who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for my media product would be manly a male audience (this does not mean that females will not be interested in my magazine) around the age of 14-22, as i promote the use of social media, also showing new bands that the younger audience will be interested in.  My magazine is not aimed at a certain ethnicity, however i aim at people who like the genres of rock and metal music, as this is the genre of music that is discussed in my magazine. so people who will buy my magazine, would be people with a interest in music.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

3. what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

3. what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


one publisher that i think would publish my magazine would be Bauer media, as the are one of the leading magazine publishers, and would want to publish my magazine. However they already own music magazines that are similar to mine (for example Kerrang) so they might not need to, and also Bauer media are a family owned business set in Germany.

 However a more suitable company that is more willing to publish my magazine would be IPC media.
 IPC media is the UK’s leading consumer magazine and digital publisher. They have more than 60 iconic media brands, IPC creates content for multiple platforms, across print, online, mobile and tablets. They engage with 26 million UK adults, almost two thirds of UK women, and over 40% of UK men. Their website reaches over 25 million global users every month.

 IPC would choose to publish my magazine, because even though they already have a successful music magazine (NME), my magazine is a different genre of music that they talk about.  So because my music magazine talks about the different genres of music, they are able to reach out to a wider target audience.  
 However their audience consists of mainly females, and my target audience is mainly males, but that does not mean that I am not able to reach out to my target audience as 40% of UK men also read their magazines.
 Also because they reach over to multiple platforms, they are able to reach out to the younger audience that I have targeted, as the younger audiences would have most of the latest technology, and would be able to reach my content that I have created online, and would be easily accessible for the my target audience also.
 So in conclusion they would choose my product, as they are a English company, and are the biggest in the country, they are able to reach out to my a UK audience, also as they publish across multiple platforms easier for the younger audience. Also IPC are also to reach out to a larger audience

Monday, 7 April 2014

2. how does my magazine product represent particular social groups?

2. How does your media product represent particular social group?


the class that is shown within my magazine is the middle class, as they are not shown to be high up in society, and are shown a working people, as hey are working towards their music. so working class people will be drawn towards this magazine as they can relate to the articles within the magazine. the outfits that they are wearing can also show that they belong in that middle class, as they are not wearing the bug name clothing that the high class people usually wear, however there are still brands that the model wears showing that they had to be working class to buy that clothing, and they are not wearing low quality clothing, showing that they are not low class people.

Race :

the two models that are shown in my magazine are both white, and i do not have black models. therefore my magazine represents white race. the music that is discussed within my magazine is the genres of rock and metal, and is not associated with black people, however my music does not include rap and pop music, which is associated with black people. 


The age that people will view my magazine would be around the age of 16 to 24. the models that are in my magazine are 17-18, so they are more likely to be attracted to my magazine, as they would like to know what they did to become famous. My product supports the streotype that younger people do not like the same music than older generations, as they are playing the new music, and the rock genre has changed, and the older generations will be into the classic rock genre, as that will be form around their time. 


the gender that is shown in my magazine is males. I used male models and no female models, as it would be mainly males that would listen to the rock and metal genre. my magazine is showing the streotype that females generally listen to pop music, and do not like rock or metal music. i show the male models being more tough and able to rely on themselves, which is showing the streotype that females rely on males for support. 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

1. Conventions used in my magazine

1. In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge and conventions of real media products?

One convention that i use on my magazine is the masthead, i have placed this on the top of my magazine, and i have chosen to make the colour a led kind of colour. the mast head is generally used to draw in the potential customers, i have made it led and black, as this is the colours that resemble the music that is discussed in my magazine, and will draw in the target audience. 
Another convention that i have also used is a barcode, issue number, and also price of the magazine, these are generally placed on top of the magazine, or along the bottom, i have placed mine along the bottom, as there is no room for all of these to go along next to the masthead. This is just used for the basic information for the potential customer, the price and also how old is it, and if it is up to date also.
Another convention that i have used is a banner, this is again either placed along the top, or placed along the bottom of the magazine. I have placed it along the bottom, as there is too much information, to put it along the top of my magazine, this is used to give the potential customers more information about the contents in the magazine, i have placed it along the bottom, as kerrang which is what i am modelling my magazine after also places it along the bottom, this could also to be so that the customer reads through the magazine cover and get interested as well. 
Also another convention that i use is a menu, this is when the contents of the magazine is listed, this is placed at the side of my music magazine, this could be used to draw in the interest of potential music magazine, as they may see a topic that is discussed that they like, and also shows what kind of music that will be discussed by the bands that are mentioned. 
Another convention that i also used i my magazine is pugs, this is usually placed in the top left or right of the magazine, this is to get the attention of the potential customer, it is usually a logo and the price, i have designed a logo for my magazine, using jpeg images. i have designed it around the music genre of what my magazine is based on. i have added the guitars and the flames, as this will attract my target audience. 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

New colour scheme

i have decided to change my colour scheme, i have now changed it from red and white to red and white, as the colour black matches the genre of music that my magazine talks about, also my model is kerrang, and their colour scheme uses a lot of black.

Here is my front cover with the new colour scheme